The assignment required selecting a house or apartment in need of renovation and creating visualizations to showcase its potential. To accomplish this, we utilized photos of the house and its floor plans to recreate it digitally.
This particular house is situated amidst a forest in Röstånga, Skåne in southern Sweden. To create a cozy and inviting atmosphere, we incorporated a touch of cold ambiance that enhances the comfort of staying indoors.
I encountered a discrepancy between the interior pictures and the floor levels. Therefore, I decided to rely on the drawings as my main reference.
For the initial phase of the project, each participant had to choose at least two different rooms to focus on. In my case, I selected the kitchen and the living room.
The Kitchen
In the first room, the kitchen, my aim was to modernize it with a clean design that is visually pleasing.
Given the limited space, I also wanted to create a sense of openness and breathability within the room.
The Living Room
In the second room, the living room, I had the opportunity to explore more creativity and experimentation. 
Alongside the required visualizations, I decided to create an additional picture to have some fun and test different ideas. This particular picture features a cat and "fika", adding an element of charm and playfulness to the scene.
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